Tuesday, November 10, 2020

When 10 entries are not enough - in Office 2019 or 365 (Part 2 :-)

 A few years ago I offered the solution for Windows 10 in general, to add more items to the jumplist (menu which shows the last used files in a program, opened by a right click on the symbol n the taskbar).

A while ago newer Microsoft Office versions (probably also Office 2016) didn't show more than 10 items, despite what was set/changed with the first tip about this issue.

These days I found the solution to raise the number of items after about one year, and here is how:

You have to add this three new DWORD32 values in the registry, which have to be placed in the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced.
And they are named JumpListItems_Maximum, Start_JumpListItems and EnableXamlJumpView.
Set the first two on a value you like for the number of items which you want to find in your taskbar, and set EnableXamlJumpView to 1.
It isn't necessary to restart anything, after you made the changes and saved the next document in your Office application, the jumplist shows the desired number of items !

In original you can find the solution here:

Have better success with your Windows machine :-)

Friday, March 29, 2019

When the Hyper-VM fails to restart

A few weeks ago I had the problem that my Windows 2016-Hyper-VMs on Windows 2016 hosts did not restart, they always were hanging, stopped to shut down.

But this strange behaviour was quickly identified.
As we are using Hyper-V replica to have a worst case copy of virtual machines, I created an additional drive which only contains the ever changing paging file of Windows, which is quite big and does not need to be replicated.

And this is the reason why the VMs got problems with a restart - as you can see here:

There seem to be several ways to solve the problem, I took the easiest one for me, and changed the setting for memory dumps in case of System errors in the advanced System settings to "None".
From that moment on, every restart was successful again !

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Special Outlook problem

Shortly after installing a new Office 2016 (Click to run) on a new Windows 10 PC, Outlook - already connected to an Exchange 2016 server in a domain - began to ask for user and password - although Outlook showed "Connected to Exchange" at the bottom of the window.
This happend a few seconds after Outlook was started, and one or the other time during the day.

For the first moment the Problem could be solved by clicking "Cancel" in the window that asked for the login credentials, and then by clicking on "Enter Password" at the bottom of the window - and Outlook was working for some Hours without further asking.

Fortunately I found this article (https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/b57ee243-2545-4ad8-81a5-7c005e4cf6ec/outlook-2016-repeatedly-asks-for-password-and-none-of-the-fixes-i-have-found-are-working?forum=outlook), solving the Problem in my case, by adding an unexpected registry entry.

I had to add/find this key

(16.0 corresponds to the Outlook version: 16.0 = Outlook 2016)

and add this new DWORD ExcludeExplicitO365Endpoint, and give it the value 1

And voila - after restarting Outlook the problem was gone :-) !

Helped me, and I hope it helps anyone else !

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Changing / transfering DHCP settings on Windows server

A few weeks ago I had to make changes to the subnet mask for a previous defined IP region in an DHCP server of a Windows 2016 domain - what only can be done by exporting the settings, modifying them in an editor, deleting all settings in the DHCP server and importing the new settings. What, by the way, is the same procedure for moving the DHCP to a new server ...

The most important commands for this are:
netsh dhcp server export c:\dhcp.txt all (c:\dhcp.txt is just a sample)
netsh dhcp server import c:\dhcp.txt all

And here are a few links to sites which describe this process very helpful in detail:

Monday, May 7, 2018

Outlook once more: Outlook does not allow to add new signatures

This problem appeared on a brand new installation of Outlook 2016 where the user was unable to add a new signature. After some searching and trying several other solutions this one fixed the problem, one more time a registry entry has to edited/added:

Find the following key in the registry, for 32-bit installation:

For 64-bit installation it is:

In the right pane of the LocalServer32 key, for both registry strings (REG_SZ) named (Default) and LocalServer32 set their value:

For 32-bit Office installation of Outlook 2013 on 32-bit Windows and for 64-bit Office installation on 64-bit Windows:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\Office 15\Outlook.exe

For 32-bit Office installed on 64-bit Windows:
C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Office 15\root\Office 15\Outlook.exe

For Outlook 2016 replace number 15 above with 16 !

Good luck !

See also:

UPDATE 2019-09:

There is another known reason which can block the signature function on clients with Windows 10, the App "Microsoft Office Desktop Apps" can cause this problem. Uninstalling the App via the Windows Settings / Apps & Features can fix it - see also https://answers.microsoft.com/de-de/msoffice/forum/msoffice_outlook-mso_win10-mso_2016/outlook-2016-signaturen-briefpapier-%C3%B6ffnet/3b1439fc-2606-4306-b2d3-57a5ce440163

Show contact (link) in Outlook calendar entry, task, ...

Outlook has a nice feature called "Contact Linking" that allows you to link a contact with any appointment, task, other contacts, or even email. Adding this link is done with a button on the bottom of the appointment details.

In the new versions of Outlook (2013, 2016) this button is hidden by default, to reactivate it you have to change/add an entry in the registry, which are described here:

Outlook 2016:
DWORD: showcontactfieldobsolete
Value = 1

Outlook 2013:
DWORD: showcontactfieldobsolete
Value = 1

Find more details on this eg. on this page:

Outlook always prompts for login credentials to Exchange

There are a lot of reasons why Outlook keeps asking for your password every time you start it, so that it can connect to an Exchange server.

In my case it was one of the rarely described problems, but if you know it, it is quite simple to solve. Windows (in this case it was Windows 7 as well as Windows 10, with Outlook 2010 as well as 2016 on an Exchange 2010, but probably it would be the same on 2013 or 2016) stored some of the old login credentials in the system and became confused.

You simply go to the Control panel, open the credential manager (maybe you have to change to "Windows login informations" like in Windows 10), and find some entries further down, one or more containing the word "Outlook". When you expand them you find a link to click and delete the entry. And voila, the problem - in my case - was solved !

Good luck !

And here is the original Microsoft posting on this:

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Can't find it in Outlook ...

Outlook ocassionally causes problems when we try to find something in the mass of mails which are mostly collected.
There are several reasons why this may happen, and I'll tell you about some solutions which worked for me in this situations:
  • Rebuilding the search index
  • Activating the indexing for Outlook which incidentelly was turned of
  • Actication of indexing for datatypes msg, pst, ost
  • Repair PST files with scanpst.exe and and compress them with the compression function of Outlook
  • Repair your Office software using the function in your control panel / programs
The detailed information how to perform those actions can be found in a lot of websites in the internet, I hope one of them is the right solution for you :-)

Saturday, September 30, 2017

When 12 entries are not enough ...

In case you like to use the jumplist (the list of the last used files in a Software like the Windows Explorer; you find it by clicking on the symbol of a runing program in the Task bar), and want to have more then 12 entries Windows 10, then: you have to make a change in the Windows registry.

  • Start the registry editor (regedit.exe)
  • In the left tree view navigate to
  • In the right area of the editor make a right click to get the context menu and add a new DWORD (32 Bit)
  • Name it JumpListItems_Maximum
  • Give the new entry the DECIMAL (not HEX !) value you want. I suggest to use not to many, 20 seems to be a good choice :-)
  • Now you can Close the editor.

And that's it !
From this moment on you see the number of entries you set for this function.

Hope it's a useful for you as I find it !