Friday, March 29, 2019

When the Hyper-VM fails to restart

A few weeks ago I had the problem that my Windows 2016-Hyper-VMs on Windows 2016 hosts did not restart, they always were hanging, stopped to shut down.

But this strange behaviour was quickly identified.
As we are using Hyper-V replica to have a worst case copy of virtual machines, I created an additional drive which only contains the ever changing paging file of Windows, which is quite big and does not need to be replicated.

And this is the reason why the VMs got problems with a restart - as you can see here:

There seem to be several ways to solve the problem, I took the easiest one for me, and changed the setting for memory dumps in case of System errors in the advanced System settings to "None".
From that moment on, every restart was successful again !

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Special Outlook problem

Shortly after installing a new Office 2016 (Click to run) on a new Windows 10 PC, Outlook - already connected to an Exchange 2016 server in a domain - began to ask for user and password - although Outlook showed "Connected to Exchange" at the bottom of the window.
This happend a few seconds after Outlook was started, and one or the other time during the day.

For the first moment the Problem could be solved by clicking "Cancel" in the window that asked for the login credentials, and then by clicking on "Enter Password" at the bottom of the window - and Outlook was working for some Hours without further asking.

Fortunately I found this article (, solving the Problem in my case, by adding an unexpected registry entry.

I had to add/find this key

(16.0 corresponds to the Outlook version: 16.0 = Outlook 2016)

and add this new DWORD ExcludeExplicitO365Endpoint, and give it the value 1

And voila - after restarting Outlook the problem was gone :-) !

Helped me, and I hope it helps anyone else !